FAQ & support
Dropdown menu
To create a dropdown menu, first decide on which menu item in your Main Menu you would like to have as a dropdown. From the Navigation tab in the Shopify Admin, create a new "link list". The title of this "link list" must be the same as the title of the menu item from your Main Menu. For example, if you have a Main Menu with a link called "Collections", create a new "link list" with the title "Collections". Each link in this new "link list" will appear as a dropdown under "Collections".
As always, if you have any problems or questions regarding our themes, you can write to our support at support@planetshine.net We will try to answer as soon as humanly possible!
Homepage slideshow
You can setup homepage slideshow in theme settings page under the "Homepage Slider" tab. You can have at max 5 slides, whom you can enable one by one using checkboxes given. Each slide can display either a text or a price tag. You can select type using select box "description type".
Adding "SALE" icon to products
To add icon with text "Sale" to a product, you just have to specify a compare price in the management page for the specific product.
Creating a contact form
There is a special page template specifically for contact forms. To use this layout, you'll need to select the page.contact template when editing a page. You can see example here.